We chose the name Ship of Fools not in honor of any music, artist, literature or anything of substance. The name reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously. Ego is inherent in all musicians, so we're intentional about controlling ours. We're just three old friends who enjoy playing music together, and if anyone wants to listen? Well, then let's get Foolish together.
Ship of Fools the band is the result of a shared love for reproducing music that is fun to play, but also challenges us as musicians. Through the years we've added songs that are sometimes obscure, sometimes popular, but the end result is great music from our shared past that has a little bit of everything for music lovers and partiers alike.
Craig Reno, Chuck Bonano and Dan Reilly have known each other for decades, playing the St. Louis, MO music scene in different bands, crossing paths hundreds of times. Eventually coming together as Ship of Fools seemed to be a natural outcome of this long relationship. The chemistry these three share is both undeniably impressive and ridiculously fun.
Do you have questions, want to book a show, or request a song?
Reach out, and let's get Foolish!